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Archer Meets Archer in New York City
Chronicles of a canine in the Concrete Jungle

Archer Meets Archer in Austin
A dog's few days — deep in the heart of Texas

Fall for autumn in New York
Favorite fall happenings

Stories to enrich Your Stay
Explore Archer's hand-picked bedside reading

Scrumptious Ice Cream Stops
Near Archer Hotel New York

7 Most Haunted Places
In New York City

NYC Snacks
8 of Archer's Favorites

Navigating the Subway System
In New York City

Most Romantic Spots
In New York City

Romantic Dining
In New York City

Five Best NYC Desserts
Near Archer Hotel New York

Roundup of NYC Rooftop Bars
Bottoms up — up on the roof

The Best Local Coffee Shops
In New York City

Best Beaches
Near NYC

Best Waterfront Eats

5 Fun Facts
About the Empire State Building

36 Hours
In New York

Best Eats
Near Madison Square Garden

New York Art Advisor
Debbie Davis Goodman